Church Life Coordinator (Part-Time)
First Presbyterian Church
York, South Carolina
Pastor / Head of Staff
15-20 hours/week – Sunday and Wednesday
BASIC FUNCTION: To affirm, support and encourage every First Presbyterian Church member in their participation in the work and worship of the church. Primary focus will be coordinating fellowship events, studies, and service projects for children through adult ages. Be present and active in Sunday School, Sunday Worship, and programs on Sunday afternoon as well as office and program hours on Wednesday. Establish and maintain strong connections by identifying and facilitating the placement of members into the life of First Presbyterian Church.
Working with Pastor and Committees to:
● Coordinate events, studies, and service projects for all ages and stages.
● To lead efforts to connect people into the life of the church, from their first visit to care teams and volunteer roles. Personally invite, encourage and support participation in the work and worship of the church.
● Recruit, coordinate, and train volunteers for Sunday School teachers, Young Disciples, VBS, FEAST programs, and other programs within the church.
● Cultivate activity in established groups as well as creating new groups within the ministry of FPC.
● Develop and lead fellowship-proposed events within the life of the congregation including “family retreat,” goldenagers,”youth retreats,” and other potential programs.
● Attend family retreat, VBS, and one of the youth summer retreats.
● Collaborate with staff and members to foster a culture of hospitality.
● Server as ex-officio member of the Family Life and Congregational Care committee.
● Update communication via social media and church website
Education and Skill Requirements:
● College degree preferred with similar experience in congregational settings and/or internship roles
● Previous experience in church leadership preferred
● Relational, strong interpersonal communication roles
● Strong skills in development, organizational and implementation of programs
● High degree of accuracy and attention to detail
● Must be a team participant
● Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.), video conferencing, and use of social media
Salary range: 30,000
Benefits: no
For more information, contact Nick Setzer.