The PYWA Board of Directors Announce the Hiring of Dr. Christy Williams
The PYWA Board of Directors is thrilled to announce the hiring of Dr. Christy Williams as our Interim Organizational Administrator. The Organizational Administrator position is a new model of leadership for PYWA and reflects a shift away from a traditional Executive Director role. Dr. Williams will be working with the Board and our affiliates over the next twelve months to help us live into this new staff model. Dr. Williams is a long tenured, highly respected youth worker and brings a wealth of experience with PYWA and youth ministry within the PC(USA).
“ I was away from youth ministry for 30 days and was beginning to feel like I was withering without the energy of young people and the passion of the adults who partner with them in their faith journey. So I was overjoyed to jump back into work with PYWA and the amazing network of people committed to nurturing youth in the church. I look forward to working alongside the Board to explore creative ways for PYWA to connect, uphold and inspire you in your ministry.”
Dr. Williams is a graduate of the Presbyterian School of Christian Education, and Columbia Theological Seminary. She has spent her career serving as a Director of Christian Education and as an Adjunct Staff person for the Montreat Youth Conferences. She currently serves as the Director of Dogwood Acres Camp and Retreat Center for the Presbytery of Florida.
Congratulations Christy!