End of Year Letter from the PYWA Board of Directors

Dec 20, 2024 | News | 0 comments

To our beloved community members and supporters, 

Our sincerest thanks for being a part of our PYWA community this year. Your generous support, whether through donations or participation in our community, is vital to our mission to CONNECT, UPHOLD, and INSPIRE youth workers. 

In 2024, we accomplished many worthwhile goals and, in 2025, we hope to accomplish even more. We hosted plenty of virtual Cohorts, Coffees, and “Cover-to-Cover” Book Groups. We shared resources like our new PYWA blog and our new “Uphold Series” of webinars (more to come in 2025). And we even launched our new website, featuring a Youth Worker Database complete with an interactive map of all our community members. None of this would have been possible without you!

There is plenty to look forward to next year as well! We received a Missing Voices Grant to produce a short-term sexuality education curriculum resource that is steeped in the reformed tradition and written by youth workers for youth workers. We are partnering with UKIRK and PCCCA to get college ministries and camps onto our Youth Worker Database Map. And, perhaps most exciting, we are diligently working on our first in-person event for Youth Workers! Stay tuned for more details. As you can see, there are lots of reasons to be excited for the future of PYWA!

Two years ago, we changed our funding model so that more youth workers could join our community and access our resources. As we continue to offer virtual communities, new resources and support for one another, know that your generosity is what enables this to happen. If you’d like to support us as we head into the new year, consider clicking this link and making a donation!

At the Presbyterian Youth Workers Association, we believe that healthy youth workers means healthy churches, and that youth aren’t just the future of the church- they ARE the church! It’s folks like you, who share those values, that help us turn those beliefs into projects that connect, uphold, and inspire youth workers. In 2025, we strive to continue that work in new and constructive ways, and we look forward to partnering with you to do just that.

Blessings in the New Year,

Your PYWA Board of Directors